Tongues are wagging over reports that earlier this week in Acapulco, Johnny Weissmuller’s stunt double Angel Garcia was killed when waves dashed him back against the base of the cliff from which he had just executed a spectacular high dive for the production Tarzan and the Mermaids.
Kill Five Jews
in Tel Aviv Riot
JERUSALEM, Aug. 1. (Friday) U.P.—Angry Britons, enraged by the underground hanging of two British sergeants, ran riot in the all-Jewish city of Tel Aviv last night, killing at least five Jews and injuring scores with bullets, bombs and bare fists.
British High Commissioner Sir Alan Cunningham reportedly had warned Jewish representatives that they must stamp out terrorism or face the consequences, but the British rank and file was tired of waiting for the Jews to set their own house in order.
Shot to Death
The dead—four men and one woman—fell under a hail of machine gun bullets from police armored cars, which sprayed two buses and street crowds. An undetermined number of passersby, including an 8-year-old child, were injured in the shooting.
Many others were hurt when 40 men in civilian clothes, described as British, overran three cafes near the city’s sea beach, assaulting customers, smashing furniture and breaking windows.
The Jewish crowds fought back as best they could, and in several instances succeeded in disarming the attackers.
Bodies Discovered
The British outbreak followed the discovery yesterday of the hanged bodies of two British sergeants, Mervin Paice, 19, and Clifford Martin, 21, who had been killed by the Irgun Zvai Leumi underground in retaliation for the execution by the British of three young Irgunists.
The two Britishers were dangling from a eucalyptus tree near the diamond center of Nathanya, where they were kidnapped early last month. One of the bodies had been booby trapped with an explosive charge which shattered the corpse as soon as a rescuer touched it.
Jewish Leader Here
Hits Interception of Ship
Interception of the refugee ship Exodus 1947 by the British destroyers outside the territorial waters of Palestine yesterday was condemned as “piracyâ€Â by Ben Rosenthal, president of the Southern California division of the American Jewish Congress.
He declared that the death of William Bernstein, San Francisco seaman who was killed in the fight that developed, was “murder on the high seas,â€Â and called on the State Department to send a protest to the British government.
Los Angeles Times, Aug. 1, 1947