Feb.13, 1907
Los Angeles
An enormous masked ball for the city’s elite was staged on Mardi Gras at Kramer’s Studio and Dancing Academy, 1500 S. Figueroa.
The Times, in a rare bylined article-by Katherine Thompson-gives
an exhaustive account of decorations and costumes. Rather than list all the women’s outfits, I’ll only comment on them: Spanish senoritas, flower girls, cowboys and a couple of ladies dressed as Chinese girls, which seems a peculiar choice given the attitude toward the Chinese in Los Angeles at the time.
One woman dressed as “My Lady Nicotine†her gown decorated with what The Times estimated, perhaps in exaggeration, as a thousand cigar bands. Several others were dressed as “Night.â€
Costumes for the men included cowboys or vaqueros, a Spanish grandee, a French pastry cook and a cardinal.
The other celebration underway was the first anniversary of the Hotel Alexandria, which marked the occasion with a massive fireworks display.
“At 8 o’clock last night, several thousand dollars worth of fireworks were set off from the roof of the Alexandria,†The Times says. “One particularly attractive piece pictured the great lobby of the building. During the evening a Hungarian quartette furnished music.â€
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