Author: Nathan Marsak
1533 1/2 E. 76th Place to-day
Whoever stucco’d this house should have their hands cut off. I don’t say that to be funny or cute. Stucco, aluminum windows, crappy gates… I hope you’re all happy. And handless.
I’m certain terrible things happen in this house all the time. But we’re not here to postulate such.
We’ve got 1947 to bring back.
Imagine the smell of cordite hanging in the air. The aroma of electrical cord against flesh. Bits of sofa wafting about along with these scents.
The only thing I love more than this house is accidental horseplay.
1221 El Prado to-day
The official motto of Torrance, California is “A Balanced City.”
Really. I’m not kidding.
Despite its official reputation as an industrial wasteland of oil
refineries, the overtly balanced Chamber of Commerce wishes you to know that the charming downtown area is in no way sullied by love-addled dames on a knife-stabbing frenzy. Heck, it was an accident.