The Case of the Bride in the Bath

August 25, 1947
Los Angeles

Police are investigating the strange death of Mrs. Susanne Smith Castillo, 23-year-old bride of Dr. Manuel De J. Castillo, who operates “medical clinics” at his home at 480 West Vernon Ave. and at 1250 West Santa Barbara Ave. Mrs. Castillo, a native of Charlottesville, VA and widow of a wealthy New York patent attorney, was discovered dead in a half-filled bath at the Vernon Ave. address by Jesus M. Castillo, her brother-in-law and a technician at the clinic. There were bruises on her head and a laceration near her temple. An autopsy is pending

480 West Vernon To-day

I longed to see the lair of the mysterious Dr. Castillo. Where he gave “treatments.” There was no end to the maladies for which one could be treated-while there were many fine physicians in Los Angeles, of course, every quack and quacklet was quick to advertise instant relief from piles, fistulae, nervousness, abscesses, alcoholism, insanity, varicose veins-and while the strange drugs were bad enough, one has to wonder at the claims made for “drugless therapies” which, we can only surmise, involved bathtubs somehow. Like at 480. So I set off.

I got to 450, 460-and then a Burger King parking lot. And then the Burger King.


August 24, 1947
Los Angeles

On Saturday night, officers B.J. Daily and R. W. Douglas broke up a fight between a couple who were brawling in the middle of Santa Monica Blvd. at Purdue Ave. The man had a gash between his eyes, and both seemed drunk, so while they seemed a little more refined than most of the lushes, down they went to Lincoln Heights Jail with the rest.
Turns out “refined” is the right word-the gent was John D. Spreckels III, 36, debt-ridden heir to the sugar fortune, the lady his 37-year-old wife. Lou Dell Spreckels denied that she was drunk, explaining that they were fighting because she had refused to give John money to go gambling, and so he had struck her. “What are you going to do when someone starts hitting you? So we had a fight.” Makes sense to us!

Both gave their address as a motel at 2500 Santa Monica Blvd. They were each released on a $20 bond and ordered to appear in court at 2pm today to answer the public intoxication charge.

Further reading: Claus Spreckels: The Sugar King in Hawaii

Spreckles on Parade

Here’s where the happy couple were duking it out:

This was originally Sheri’s restaurant, a googie/transitional structure stripped of its original intent and reformed into the mid-late 60s Dolores’. What it was in 1947 I don’t know, as I’m yet to decode the Sanborn fire insurance maps.

I’d be interested in seeing that motel on Santa Monica. Perhaps it looked something like this, which is one block east –

Or roughly like this –

Because now-adays, it just looks like this.

Laurel Canyon Gas Leak Blaze Perils Residences

August 23, 1947
Laurel Canyon

Palmer Ledoux, a DWP worker , set a road work lantern down on Laurel Canyon Blvd. north of Kirkwood Drive today, and ignited undetected natural gas that was seeping from the main beside the road.

Ledoux said, “There was a flash, and by the time I could look around, the fire got out of hand. It seemed that every pocket on the hillside was filled with gas. You never saw flames go faster.”

The fire burned a 200 foot path across a steep hill before being brought under control by firefighters, just shy of the home sculptor Rostand D. Kelly is building on the crest.

In Rossian Roulette, the Rules Are Different

August 22, 1947

Benjamin A. Ross, 19, had a peculiar idea of an evening’s entertainment at home with wife Zelda. He occupied himself fitting five cartridges into his six-shot revolver, spinning the barrel, and pointing it at various objects in the living room at 420 N. Moss Street, while the lady wife begged him to stop. Having bucked the odds and avoided shattering any lamps or ottomans, Ross pressed his luck with one final shot, into his own forehead. He died at St. Joseph’s Hospital.

1947project interview at 8763 Wonderland

Our fellow Los Angeles blogger Rodger Jacobs was kind enough to ask Nathan and I a few questions about this project, and the results are on his site 8763 Wonderland today. If you click over to read it, we recommend you stay a while and explore some of the contemporary local crime tales Rodger has to share. He’d become a magnet for them–even getting caught in the middle of a bank robber search in Glendale last week.

And because Rodger’s blog and ours share a uniquely dark local bent, we’ve combined the syndicated feeds from 1947project and 8763 Wonderland into a joint feed called LA Noir. We welcome fellow dark Los Angeles bloggers to contact us and join the feed, but for now it’s a time-travel true crime anthology, jumping from 1947 to 2005 and back with daily tales of greed, lust and shame.

If you read blogs in a blog reader (I like, here’s the RSS feed

If you read blogs on the web, try

Chemical Plant Blaze Like A Bikini Spectacle

August 21, 1947
Huntington Park

A suspicious fire at the Charles F. Willard Chemical Co. plant at 5810 S. Soto Street today ignited thousands of 5 gallon tins of auramine dye powder, an extremely flammable product extracted from surplus Army flares. The exploding dye sent a mushroom cloud more than 1000 feet into the air, and caused an estimated $100,000 damage to the plant.

None of the five employees on the scene was injured, and Charles Willard stated that he believed the explosion was triggered by burning weeds in an adjacent lot. This explanation was doubted by Assistant Chief W.H. Burwell of Huntington Park Fire Department, one of five municipal fire departments to respond to the blaze, who suspects the fire began inside the yard, and said his department would investigate.

5810 South Soto To-day

After having been blown up and burnt down, Willard Chemical has since, obviously, been replaced:

The heavy industrial concentrated itself further east in Vernon; Huntington Park contented itself with light industrial, packing and shipping, and noodle huts.

The mushroom cloud o’er LA:

Didn’t they learn everything they needed to know after Port Chicago?

Confessed Killer Locates Victim’s Body in Desert

August 18, 1947
San Bernardino

After several days fruitless “searching,” Robert F. Mehaffey, 37-year-old ex-con, finally stopped lying to Sheriff James Stocker when the latter told him that they were going to walk through the desert sands until they found Lewis D. Edds’ body.

Edds was the 65-year-old amateur prospector who vanished in April while on a vacation from his work as a steel plant guard. He was last seen in the company of a younger man. War Bonds belonging to Edds were later tracked from San Francisco to Texas and thence to Mehaffey, a hitchhiker whom the elderly man had befriended.

Following the Sheriff’s threat, Mehaffey replied “That won’t be necessary” and led him straight to a set of dessicated remains, located stuffed in a drain pipe just off the Lancaster-Palmdale Highway, two miles south of Victorville. This was 55 miles from the last spot Mehaffey had suggested.

Pending examination of dental records, the Sheriff assumes they’ve found the missing Mr Edds.

Suggested reading: Recreational Gold Prospecting for Fun & Profit