June 24, 1947
Los Angeles
M. Cohen- Samuel Miller.. Sol Rosenblatt- Willie Spector- Samuel Tureck- Max Turetsky- Solomon Turk- Sol Turbin- Sol Turkein- Sam Weiss- Sam Wise.
Consider Sol Turkin, 39, produce merchant and groom-to-be, slain two nights ago in his apartment at 638 S. Cloverdale, after dancing all night with his fiancé, schoolteacher Sylvia Schermer of 837 N. Martel. Like Cinderella, the lady needed to be home before midnight-it was bad luck for them to see each other on their wedding day before the appointed time. Turkin dropped her off around 12:20am (oh- that’s bad) and was home in minutes. Around 12:45, a neighbor heard the sounds of a struggle, then four shots-one of which came through the wall.
Police found Turkin dead of a bullet to the groin, his face bloodied, signs of a struggle in the apartment and the dead man’s watch face smashed. On his person, $630, including five c-notes. Must have been an acquaintance, or Turkin would have called out. Maybe lurking in the dark, surprise attack. Anyway, no wedding for Miss Schermer.
Or for Turkin, some of whose aliases scroll above. The bride knew nothing of his police record dating back to 1924, including convictions for grand larceny and fraud, the three years in Leavenworth for impersonating an officer, the bad check that landed him in a New Jersey prison. Det. Capt. Bert Jones of Wilshire Division says it was “the man’s past catching up with him.â€
Or his present. Cops picked up Russell Waterman, 36, Montebello grocer who was holding three guns as security on a $300 loan to Turkin, and two of the three guns. Waterman said he sold the third.
And on Martel, a lady weeps.